Creative programs taught by master educators provide student participants with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) education and hands-on learning methods that are practical tools for understanding the world.
STEM career exploration programs for middle and high school girls. Girls learn about careers through creative and imaginative activities and through the autobiographical stories of real-life women working in financially rewarding and personally satisfying careers.

MEADOWSCAPING FOR BIODIVERSITY is an environmental education program for middle school students. In hands-on, interactive classes and lab activities, students will learn about ecology and the importance of biodiversity as the foundation for all life. Youth will work outdoors on team research projects and report on them at a community event.

In the spring session of this three-part program, Connecting Rivers to the Sea, while in classes and labs, students learn about water, that water is essential to all life, the water cycle, and the various forms and causes of water pollution. They learn about the critical role that watersheds play in the health of the environment and in the quality of life of humans and wildlife.
During the two-week summer camp, students will be actively engaged in team field research and learning about environmental careers. In the fall students present their research results to the community at a special event.